奥斯卡奖. 艾美奖. Obies. 杰夫斯. 金球奖. Our 新游戏倡议 playwrights have them. They also work with Carthage students to create new, original plays every year.

全球十大赌钱排行app委托著名剧作家创作戏剧,并与全球十大赌钱排行app学生合作. 学生们体验到作为创造过程的一部分和创造历史所带来的快乐和挑战. 很多时候,角色都是在脑海中以特定的学生来填补角色的空缺. 这部作品不仅是这个季节的一部新剧,而且是戏剧界的一部全新作品. Many of these productions have gone on to win accolades at the annual Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival.

“The Genderless Play Experiment”

用C. 昆塔纳 
导演:Lucky Stiff 

The Genderless Play Experiment 通过一系列卡巴莱风格的小插曲和一个以六个人类角色为中心的交织的爱情故事来讲述, 或者灵魂类型, “无性别游戏实验”是对酷儿快乐的直接探索,打破了对性别的先入为主的观念, 性, 和身份, as well as underscores and salutes the endless human journey of self-discovery.

死的警告 “死的象征”

By West End House School of 艺术
Directed by Neil Kristian Scharnick

In 2013, Carthage 剧院 took its annual new play overseas for the first time, bringing 白嘴鸦的叫声 to Smock Alley 剧院, 都柏林. 十年后, 全球十大赌钱排行app剧院将带着《全球十大赌钱软件app》回到爱尔兰的都柏林和基拉尼. 全球十大赌钱排行app新戏剧倡议的第14期正在与爱尔兰最新的戏剧学校合作开发, West End House School of 艺术 in Killarney. 死的警告 is a deeply personal project for its ensemble of creators. 这个奇幻的故事是由全体演员和导演共同构思而成的, all grappling with life’s biggest questions: Why are we here? 为什么这很重要?? 接下来呢??

新游戏倡议: ?耐心与坚韧? “耐心和坚韧”

Directed by Mary MacDonald Kerr

What if the internet goes down completely? 在大流行后的世界, 在春假期间,一群不同的高年级学生发现他们被困在树林里的一所房子里. Strange happenings begin to take place, including an unexpected blizzard. With no knowledge of what is happening on the outside and no way to find out, social dynamics break down and secrets and lies begin to come to light. 在《全球十大赌钱软件app》中,任何事情都可能发生,混乱总是近在眼前.

?罗密欧 & 朱丽叶走进酒吧? “罗密欧 & 《全球十大赌钱软件app》

Directed by Martin McClendon

中西部的一所小大学决定上演莎士比亚的经典故事,讲述一对不幸的年轻恋人, 罗密欧与朱丽叶. But what happens when no guys show up to the audition? 再加上一个身份可疑的神秘客座导演和一个奇怪的节目概念, 任何事情都有可能发生. Can the students rescue the bard from being hijacked? 在“罗密欧 & 朱丽叶走进酒吧,” anything can happen and hilarity is bound to ensue.

?手册? “手册”

Directed by Neil Kristian Scharnick

改编自围绕前新奥尔良圣徒队拉拉队队长贝利·戴维斯被解雇争议的真实事件, 《全球十大赌钱软件app》深刻地描述了职业啦啦队界普遍存在的歧视,以及这种歧视对啦啦队员的影响. 该剧讲述了虚构的火焰NFL拉拉队的成员,并以资深拉拉队队长兰尼被解聘的争议开始, 这是基于Ms. 戴维斯的账户.

?起身离开? “起身离开”


故事发生在威斯康星州的乡村, 崭露头角的YouTube明星麦迪逊和克拉拉努力摆脱他们的死胡同, 贫困的生活. Instead, they get caught in a tangle of desire and opioid addiction. Told in a fractured and non-chronological fashion, this black comedy touches on current issues of immigration, 社交媒体明星, 药物, and the timeless quest for the American Dream.


  • Kennedy Center Citizen Artist Award
  • Distinguished Costume Design — Latora Lezotte


?一席之位? “一席之位”

Directed by Martin McClendon

Ms. 泰勒是一名演员、导演和剧作家,在电视和电影之间徘徊. She also has been active on the stage, 她有幸成为在百老汇的《全球十大赌钱排行app》中扮演威廉·莎士比亚的朱丽叶的第一位黑人女性. 她是芝加哥古德曼剧院的艺术合作伙伴,也是纽约签名公司的常驻剧作家. 2010年,她获得了埃杰顿基金会新美国戏剧奖,她广受好评的音乐剧《全球十大赌钱排行app》获得了四项海伦·海耶斯奖.


  • Kennedy Center Citizen Artist Award
  • Distinguished Production of a New Work
  • Distinguished Performance by an Actress in a Play — Marie Tredway


?星星的呼吸? 《全球十大赌钱排行app》

Caridad Svich著
Directed by Neil Kristian Scharnick

Caridad Svich is a playwright, songwriter, essayist, editor, and translator. Her dramatic works include “12 Ophelias,“除了这里,任何地方都可以。,”“火花,“壮丽的废弃物。”,”“Guapa,和《全球十大赌钱软件app》.她改编自伊莎贝尔·阿连德(Isabel Allende)的《全球十大赌钱排行app》(The House of Spirits),获得了2011年美国戏剧评论家协会的普里默斯奖(Primus Prize). 她也是一位广受赞誉的翻译,尤其是费德里科·加西亚·洛尔卡的戏剧. 斯维奇因其对舞台和页面的贡献而获得2012年OBIE终身成就奖.


  • Undergraduate Scholar Award, 2nd place: Colt Luedtke
  • National Stage Management Fellowship: Colt Luedtke
  • Innovative Teaching Award: Martin McClendon


?在山上? 《全球十大赌钱排行app》

Directed by Martin McClendon

艾美奖获奖编剧兼剧作家基思·赫夫是AMC获奖电视剧《全球十大赌钱排行app》的编剧兼联合制片人,也是Netflix电视剧《全球十大赌钱排行app》的编剧兼制片人.” His many play credits include “A Steady Rain,,该剧由休·杰克曼和丹尼尔·克雷格主演,在百老汇上演,并将继续在美国和世界各地上演.


  • David Mark Cohen Playwriting Award
  • Selected for the O’Neill Center’s National Playwriting Workshop


?没有名字? “没有名字”


杰弗里·海切尔是当今美国戏剧界最多产的剧作家之一. 2004年,他将自己的著名戏剧《全球十大赌钱排行app》改编成剧本《全球十大赌钱排行app》, 与比利·克鲁普和克莱尔·丹尼斯合作),还为2005年的《全球十大赌钱排行app》(Casanova)写了剧本, with Heath Ledger) and “The Duchess” (2008, with Keira Knightley and Ralph Fiennes). Among his many plays are “Mrs. Mannerly,” “To Fool the Eye,” and “The Falls.他还参与了米奇·阿尔博姆的《全球十大赌钱软件app》的舞台剧改编.

?白嘴鸦的叫声? “白嘴鸦的叫声”

Directed by Neil Kristian Scharnick

马丁·马奎尔是爱尔兰剧作家、电视作家、广播作家、演员和导演. 帕特里克·萨顿, director of the Gaiety School of Acting, National 剧院 School of Ireland, is likewise an acclaimed international director, 演员, 和作家. “乌鸦的喧嚣”是与欢乐学校合作开发的原创戏剧项目,并在都柏林新开放的皇家剧院首演, 工作服巷- 1662.


  • Regional Certificate of Merit for Stage Management — Mikaley Osley
  • Regional Certificate of Merit for Direction — Neil Scharnick


?鬼的自行车? “幽灵自行车”


劳拉·杰克敏是芝加哥戏剧家的常驻剧作家,她也在全球十大赌钱排行app教剧本写作. She is the winner of the 2008 Wasserstein Prize for emerging female playwrights. Her work has been produced and developed by Atlantic Theater Company, 老维克新声音, 迂回的地下, 葡萄园剧院, 新艺术, 科德角剧院项目, and The 24 Hour Plays Off-Broadway, 在许多其他方面.


  • National Award for Outstanding Achievement in Scenic Design — Shannon Meyer
  • National Award for Distinguished Director of a New Play — Herschel Kruger
  • National Award for Distinguished Production of a New Work 


?劈轨机? 《全球十大赌钱排行app》

Directed by Martin McClendon

Rick Cleveland is an award-winning screenwriter and playwright. 编剧作品包括电影《全球十大赌钱软件app》和《全球十大赌钱软件app》以及电视节目《全球十大赌钱软件app》,“《全球十大赌钱排行app》。,和《全球十大赌钱排行app》.” He won an Emmy Award in 2000 as a writer for “The West Wing.” He is also a founding member of Chicago’s American Blues Theater. Cleveland’s 2006 one-man show “My Buddy Bill” won the Jury Award at the U.S. Comedy 艺术 Festival and was developed into a Comedy Central special.


  • National Award for Distinguished Production of a New Work


?One Day in the Season of Rain? “One Day in the Season of Rain”

By Mohan Rakesh; new translation by Aparna Dharwadker and Vinay Dharwadker
Directed by Neil Kristian Scharnick

Mohan Rakesh is one of post-independence India’s most important playwrights, and his modernist take on the life of Kalidas, Ashad ka ek din (here translated One Day in the Season of Rain), 他最著名的戏剧是什么. He won the Sangeet Natak Akademi Award for Playwriting in 1968. Translator Aparna Dharwadker won the 2006 Joe A. Callaway Prize for her acclaimed book, “剧院s of Independence: Drama, 理论, and Urban Performance in India since 1947.Vinay Dharwadker是一位诗人,也是印地语、马拉蒂语、乌尔都语和旁遮普语诗歌的翻译家.


  • 灯光设计杰出成就奖- Colleen Geddes
  • Regional Award for Distinguished Achievement in Property Design — Slim Simonini
  • 区域景观设计杰出成就奖-马丁·麦克伦登


?诚实的? “诚实”


Steppenwolf剧团的成员Eric Simonson是一位著名的剧作家, 导演, 和导演. 1993年,他凭借《全球十大赌钱排行app》获得托尼奖最佳音乐剧导演奖提名。, 他的电影《全球十大赌钱软件app》获得了奥斯卡主题短片纪录片奖. His plays “Lombardi” and “Magic/Bird” were recently on Broadway.


  • National Award for Distinguished Achievement for Playwriting
  • National Award for Distinguished Achievement in Curriculum Enhancement
  • 国家杰出成就奖——安德鲁·莱诺克斯饰演的“马丁”
  • 国家杰出表演成就奖-凯特琳·罗伯逊饰演“凯西”
